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Shoulder Mobility Exercises

The aim of these exercises is to improve your shoulder range of movement. It is expected that you may feel a stretch, but  you should not experience significant pain.  

Ball Roll

Ball Roll

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Shoulder Flexion: Ball Roll

- Place your affected hand on the ball

- Step forwards and roll the ball forwards

- Return to the start position 

Ball Squat

Ball Squat

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Shoulder Flexion: Ball Squat

- Place both hands on the ball

- Keep your hands on the ball whilst squatting down

- Return to the start position 

overhead stretch.jpg

Shoulder Flexion

- Lie on your back and clasp your hands together in front of you

- Use your unaffected arm to assist lifting the other arm above your head

- Do not force into pain

- Hold for up to 30 seconds

- Repeat as instructed by your physiotherapist

Hand behind back.jpg

Internal Rotation: Hand Behind Back

- Hold a towel over your shoulder with the unaffected arm, with the towel hanging down your back

- Take hold of the bottom of the towel with the affected arm and gently pull the towel up with your unaffected arm to increase the range of movement

- Do not force into pain

- Hold for up to 30 seconds

- Repeat as instructed by your physiotherapist


Internal Rotation: Sleeper Stretch

- Start by lying on your affected side with the shoulder and elbow bent at right angles and the hand pointing up towards the ceiling

- Use the forearm as a lever and gently push the wrist down towards the floor

- You should feel a stretch at the back of the shoulder

- Hold for up to 30 seconds

- STOP this exercise if it reproduces your shoulder pain and discuss with your physiotherapist

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External Rotation: With Stick

- Start with the elbow against your body, bent at a right angle

- Hold the stick in your hands

- Use the unaffected arm to assist outward rotation of the affected arm, ensure the elbow stays by your side

- Ensure your shoulders stay facing forwards and the trunk does not rotate

- Do not force into pain

- Hold for up to 30 seconds

- Repeat as instructed by your physiotherapist

Table Slide

Table Slide

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Table Slide


- In sitting, rest both arms on a towel, on a table. 

- Grasp the front edge of the towel and slide both arms forwards.  - - Return to the start position and repeat.

- Aim to use tables of different heights to vary the exercise.


Wall Slide

Wall Slide

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Wall Slide


- Place both hands on a towel, against the wall. 

- Slowly slide both hands up and down the wall on the towel.



Yorkshire Shoulder Physiotherapy

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