Shoulder Flexion with Theraband
- Stand with feet shoulder width apart and the theraband looped around your wrists.
- The band should be tight enough to give a little tension but not too tight so it feels that you really have to push against it
- Keep your chest lifted slightly and eyes looking ahead
- Raise your arms above your head maintaining the gentle tension on the theraband.

Wall Slide
Wall Slide
- Push out into the band and push into the wall with the outer border of your hands
- Step in towards the wall and push your hands up the wall
- Keep pushing and return your hands to the starting position

Short Lever
Short Lever
- Push out into the band, keeping the elbows bent to approximately 90 degrees
- Raise the hands up and over your head.
- Keep pushing and return to the starting position.

Long Lever
Long Lever
- Push out into the band
- Raise the hands up and over your head, creating a narrow 'V-shape'
- Keep pushing and return to the starting position.

- Push out into the band
- Raise the hands up and over your head, creating a narrow 'V-shape' as you step forwards
- Keep pushing and return to the starting position as you step back
- Repeat using the other leg

Ball Squat
- Push out into the band
- As you squat raise the hands up and over your head, creating a narrow 'V-shape'
- Keep the back straight and knees over the toes as you squat
- Keep pushing into the band and return to the starting position
- Stop this exercise if it causes knee pain and speak to your physiotherapist

Ball Lunge
- Step one leg forwards and raise the back heel off the floor
- Push out into the band
- Lower your hips, sinking straight down into a lunge position
- As you squat raise the hands up and over your head, creating a narrow 'V-shape'
- Keep the back straight and make sure the front knee stays over the toes
- Keep pushing into the band and return to the starting position
- Stop this exercise if it causes knee pain and speak to your physiotherapist