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Anterior Deltoid Programme


Anterior Deltoid L1

Anterior Deltoid L1

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Anterior Deltoid L1

- Lying on your back, lift the affected arm to a vertical position with the help of your other arm.

- Hold the affected arm in the vertical position, draw slow and controlled circles with the arm, while also keeping the elbow straight.

- Over time progress to larger circles, for a longer period.

- As this exercise becomes easier, progress to the next exercise.

Anterior Deltoid L2

Anterior Deltoid L2

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Anterior Deltoid L2

- Lying on your back, bend the affected arm and lift it to a vertical position with the help of your other arm.

- Hold the affected arm in the vertical position with its own strength for as long as you are able while also keeping the elbow straight.

- Bring this arm back down to your side with the help of the other arm.

- As your arm gets stronger, you will be able to lower it to your side without help.

- When this becomes easy move to the next exercise.

Anterior Deltoid L3

Anterior Deltoid L3

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Anterior Deltoid L3

- Lying on your back, lift the affected arm to a vertical position with the help of your other arm.

- Hold the affected arm in the vertical position with its own strength for as long as you are able while also keeping the elbow straight.

- Bring this arm back down to your side with the help of the other arm.

- As your arm gets stronger, you will be able to lower it to your side without help.

- When this becomes easy move to the next exercise.

Anterior Deltoid L4

Anterior Deltoid L4

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Anterior Deltoid L4

- Sit in a reclined position, lift the bent affected arm to a vertical position with the help of your other arm.

- Hold the affected arm in the vertical position with its own strength for as long as you are able while also keeping the elbow straight.

- Bring this arm back down to your side with the help of the other arm.

- As your arm gets stronger, you will be able to lower it to your side without help.

- When this becomes easy move to the next exercise.

Anterior Deltoid L5

Anterior Deltoid L5

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Anterior Deltoid L5

- Sit in a reclined position, lift the affected arm to a vertical position with the help of your other arm.

- Hold the affected arm in the vertical position with its own strength for as long as you are able while also keeping the elbow straight.

- Bring this arm back down to your side with the help of the other arm.

- As your arm gets stronger, you will be able to lower it to your side without help.

- When this becomes easy move to the next exercise.

Anterior Deltoid L6

- Sit in a reclined position, lift the affected arm to a vertical position with a small weight in your hand.

- Hold the affected arm in the vertical position with its own strength for as long as you are able while also keeping the elbow straight.

- Bring this arm back down to your side with the help of the other arm.

- As your arm gets stronger, you will be able to lower it to your side without help.

- When this becomes easy move to the next exercise.

Anterior Deltoid L7

- In standing, clench your fist, elevate the arm towards the ceiling and slowly lower.

Anterior Deltoid L8

- In standing, place some resistance band over the top of a door.

- With your back to the door, pull the resistance band down and slowly control the return back to the overhead position.

Yorkshire Shoulder Physiotherapy

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