Yorkshire Shoulder Physiotherapy are a team of highly experienced physiotherapists with specialist knowledge of shoulder and elbow conditions. We will provide you with an expert clinical assessment of your shoulder or elbow condition, as well as an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and effective treatment plan.
All shoulder and elbow conditions can be treated at YSP; we have experience in treating clients ranging from elite-level athletes to individuals with a less-active lifestyle. If you have already seen a physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor and have been told that there is nothing more than can be done for your injury, then we can provide you with a specialist second opinion.
In many cases physiotherapy is a useful treatment for shoulder and elbow conditions, there may however be times when a discussion with an orthopaedic consultant is helpful to consider other options. We have close working relationships with local orthopaedic colleagues and can help you decide the right time to seek their advice.

Rotator Cuff Tears
Rotator Cuff Tendinopathies
Subacromial Pain Syndrome
Shoulder Impingement
Shoulder Arthritis
Shoulder Dislocations and Instability
Acromioclavicular Joint Disorders
Frozen Shoulder
Adhesive Capsulitis
Shoulder Fractures
Calcific Tendonitis
Biceps / Pec Injuries
Sports Injuries
Nerve Disorders